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Welcome to South County Little League


"Many hands make light work." Little League teams need volunteer support from each player's family. Without our volunteers, the league doesn't exist. Please volunteer to help your player's team in one or as many roles you can. 

A couple of the jobs sometimes scare people off (for example, scorekeeper and umpire), but South County Little League provides great training and support and there are some good perks (umpires get a free meal after the game). Ideally, each team would have several volunteers for scorekeeper and umpire, which keeps the per-person workload down.

There are four (4) important positions to the league that makes each team function. And, there are a multitude of other volunteers that are required in order to support the league's activities.

The Team Manager runs the team. The Team Manager is the Head Coach.

The Assistant Coach helps the Team Manager. Each team needs a minimum of two (2) assistant coaches.

The Team Parent helps the Team Manager run the off the field activities and should be considered the link between the Team Manager and parents.

Umpires. Umpires are always in short supply. Parents and teens are encouraged to come forward to help. Training and equipment is provided by the league.

Background Checks

All volunteers having regular contact with players (such as board members, managers, coaches, team parents, umpires, etc.) must submit to a background check per Little League International. Little League International will pay for the background check, resulting in no additional cost to volunteers. Volunteers will receive an automated email invitation to initiate the volunteer application and background check process.


The team manager coordinates all team activities and ensures that parents and players follow SCLL policies and the rules of the game. The manager is approved by the league president, or designated committee, and is typically the team's head coach. The manager is the primary point of contact for the team and provides leadership for the team and assistant coaches. Managers must attend every game and hold weekly practices. Managers must attend required meetings and training sessions and represent the team to the league.


Assistant coaches are selected by the team manager and approved by the league president, or designated committee. The assistant coach must be available for games and practices, and support the manager in the operation of the team.

Team Parents

The Team Parent is typically the most important volunteer within a Little League organization. The Team Parent is the liaison between the team's players and parents, the manager and coaches, the league volunteer coordinator, and other key members of the league. The team parent assists the manager in whatever tasks to help run the team, for example, organize parents to meet volunteer requirements and to provide snacks for players on our younger teams. The Team Parent will also obtain regular input from other parents about how the season is progressing, and provide feedback to the League President.


Umpires enjoy the best seat in the house!

South County Little League games are officiated by both adult volunteers and paid youth umpires.  The league provides training for new umpires, which is typically scheduled for a Saturday morning in March.  Please check the events page to see when the next training is scheduled.

Contact Information

Contact the chief umpire at [email protected] if you are interested in participating as an umpire.

Sign-up for Games

Registered umpires may sign-up to officiate regular season games for which they are qualified - a Sign-up Genius link is provided to facilitate scheduling umpires for games. The following guidelines are typically followed for aligning umpire skills and experience to games.

League Division            Plate Umpire (PU)Base Umpire (BU
Mature Teen with UIC Approval             
Mature Teen with UIC Approval

Mature Teen with UIC Approval

 Age 14 and up
 AAAAdult with teen BU
Age 13 and up with adult BU

12 and up
 AAAge 12 and up

12 and up
 Softball 10UAge 12 and up

12 and up
 Softball 8UAge 12 and up12 and up


Junior Umpires, defined as aged 12 years old to 17 years old will be eligible for compensation or community service hours for umpiring eligible SCLL baseball/softball games. A schedule of compensation rates for PU and BU positions by division will be provided to registered youth umpires.


All Junior Umpires will be required to complete an “Official Game Record” form for each game worked. The form is ¼ letter size, so it will easily fit within a pocket. The form must be completed in advance of the game, and then signed by the home team manager at the plate conference. 

At the completion of the game, the junior umpire will be required to deposit the completed and signed “Official Game Record” form in a locked mailbox that will be located in the green Umpire’s Shed, located at the entrance to LP1.

A supply of “Official Game Record” forms will be stored, along with writing instruments, in the Umpire’s Shed at the locked mailbox.

There will typically be two pay periods where “Official Game Record” forms will be removed from the locked mailbox, compiled and then submitted to the Treasurer. The pay periods will be identified and communicated to registered junior umpires at the start of the season.

All completed “Official Game Record” forms must be deposited within the locked mailbox before the end of the pay period in order to be processed. SCLL will not be responsible for forms that have not been deposited within the locked box. No missing forms can be paid.

Other Volunteers

There are many other opportunities to volunteer, and fulfill the required 6 hours of volunteer time. Examples include:

League Scheduler
Concession Stand
Field Maintenance
Team scorekeeper
Special events coordinator

Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected] to inquire how you may help.

Background Checks

All volunteers having regular contact with players (such as board members, managers, coaches, team parents, umpires, etc.) must submit to a background check per Little League International. Little League International will pay for the background check, resulting in no additional cost to volunteers. Volunteers will receive an automated email invitation to initiate the volunteer application and background check process.
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