Welcome to South County Little League Softball!
The season can feel very short, so here are some resources for the off-season:
Hitting: Swinging a bat to hit a ball does not always come natural to every player. Repetitions are very important. "Dry cuts" (or just swinging without a ball) improve a softball player's bat control (as long as the bat is the appropriate size and the fundamentals are solid).
Choosing the Correct Bat Size:
https://protips.dickssportinggoods.com/sports-and-activities/softball/finding-the-right-softball-bat?camp=SEM:DSG_1162834_ecom_nonbrand_465&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjKL46raO3wIVAorICh13JgrAEAAYASAAEgJtfvD_BwEBasic Fundamentals of Batting: Recommend watching these videos with your player. Our coaches will be using these same terms, so it helps if its not the first time your daughter has heard "put your hands together" for example.
Throwing: It is very important that your player has good throwing mechanics to prevent injury and to be successful. Please watch these videos with your player.
Glove Sizing Info: Don't know what glove size to buy your player? Please check out the below chart. Softball gloves ARE different than baseball gloves.
Under 8 yrs old = 9"-11"
9-13 yrs old= 10'-11' for infield and 11"-11.5" for outfield.