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Volunteer Bond

Each family is required to submit a volunteer bond to the league in the form of a $150 check.  At the conclusion of the Spring season, those families that have fulfilled their volunteer commitment will received their check if they provided a self addressed stamped envelope.   Otherwise, the league will destroy the check.   If a family has not fulfilled their obligation, the league will deposit the check.

Volunteer Information

The following is for the Team Parent, but is also great information for any parent that wants to know how they can volunteer to help out and fulfill the SCLL Volunteer Hours Requirement in order to get your Volunteer Bond returned at the end of the season..

Thank you for your commitment to serve as a Team Parent. This role acts as a liaison between the Team Manager, Assistant Coaches, and your team families. Here are a few of the tasks you can expect to support:

  • Help the manager in making sure all team families submit Emergency Medical forms
  • Coordinate end-of-season Team Party/Picnic, Trophies, Coach gifts
  • Track volunteer hours for each family and report to SCLL Volunteer Coordinator mid-season and at the end of the season.
  • Coordinate game scorekeeping duties (AA and higher)
  • Coordinate home game field prep (chalk lines & bases) at LP games (only chalk the batter’s box at LP #5)
  • Coordinate setting up of the pitching machine and generator for A-Ball games at LP (home games)
  • Coordinate dragging/raking the infield post-game and post-practice at LP (home games)

As noted above, Team Parents will have the responsibility of tracking and managing volunteer hours for your respective team. As you know, each family is required to fulfill six (6) hours of volunteer time. The table below provides a guideline, it is not an exhaustive list, of acceptable functions that can count towards the volunteer requirement.


Allowable Hours

Ways to Register

Game scorekeeper

2 hours

Coordinate with Team Manager or Team Parent

Game pitch count keeper

2 hours

Coordinate with Team Manager or Team Parent

Field maintenance before/after game *

15 mins

Coordinate with Team Manager or Team Parent

Umpire Baseball and Softball  (Player Pitch Divisions)

2 hours

Contact Michael Podguski
[email protected]


Allowable Hours

Ways to Register



2 hours

Signup Genius

Field Closure Day (Date TBD)

3 hours

Signup Genius

*NOTE: These are guidelines, please use your best judgement as to the hours supported for each activity.

As the Team Parent, we are looking for you to reinforce the messaging of our volunteer requirements, and that if this commitment is not fulfilled, families will forfeit their $150 volunteer bond check which will be cashed by the league at the time of closeout. Please make sure to communicate that if families partially complete their requirement, they still forfeit their $150 volunteer bond. The requirement is applied per family, so if a family has more than one athlete in SCLL, they are only required to fulfill six (6) hours. The following positions are exempt from the volunteer requirement: Team Manager (1 position), Assistant Coach (2 positions), Team Parent (1 position).


  1. If a family partially completes their hours, do they get their bond check back? No, they must complete all six (6) hours.
  2. If a family has more than one athlete enrolled in SCLL, do they need to complete six (6) hours per athlete? No, the requirement is applicable to a family, regardless of how many athletes they have in the league.
  3. How do families get their bond check back? If they provided a self-addressed stamped envelope, the check will be mailed back at the end of the season. If not, the check will be shredded.
  4. Are there any exceptions to the volunteer requirement? Yes, one Team Manager, two Assistant Coaches, and one Team Parent per team are exempt from the volunteer requirement.

Please contact the volunteer coordinator directly with questions and thank you for supporting SCLL. 

Nicole Pophin
Volunteer Coordinator South County Little League
 [email protected]

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